Monday, January 11, 2010

Reality Fades

I didn't manage to post exactly a week later but here is my update.

I did go to Write Night last Monday and will be there again tonight. I can not give a word-count on the actual writing as... well lets just say I missed that train too. But I did get my folders and different stories sorted and organized.

The reality is of course, that I have to make time and then not got distracted. And I am very easily distracted. I like to play and experience and feel and yeah, if I can just translate everything into words, then I would be golden.

I will get there. This is definitely my year. The characters in my head are screaming to come out and be heard. I will give them their voices and let them tell their own stories. Reality Fades is the name of my favorite story I started oh so many years ago. I love the characters. It is not first on my list to complete because it is a complicated story that has to be told perfectly and I can't seem to release it, not yet.

Tonight I will write up more on the second episode of my sitcom which I plan to enter into a contest in May. Right now the reality is the clock I keep looking at reminding me I need to get to the office. But tonight... reality fades

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