Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time... Always Time

It sounds like it is raining, but that's just the snow melting off the roof. In a lot of ways I'm not ready to see the snow go, it's not just the passing of the time, but the passing of opportunities. I never do as much as I want to do and time... well it's always about time. Time is the enemy. My days off are quickly consumed with tasks and appointments and the needs of others - but not to sound ungrateful because being there for each other is important and necessary and I know when to say no. Still time escapes me.

So I take what I have for time and utilize it best I can and often stop to weigh the pros and cons. Social life is great and entertaining but time-consuming and can get expensive. Pros - fun, memories, healthy, self-esteem, active; Cons - money, time away from family and writing. Balance. Always comes back to balance and moderation. Make the most of each day and when you run out of energy let the day go because within rest you reclaim yourself and thus motivate to go forward.

I have found scheduling times to be very effective in my pursuit of balance (yes, I also write a daily to-do list). This has been working out well for writing, early mornings on my days off from work (weds & sats). Sometimes I find myself fantasizing what it would be like to write full time and have this opportunity everyday, sometimes I find myself spending way to much time surfing the writers-boards and just before I do that I wonder why my home page is Facebook because that takes up time too. But for the most part, Wednesdays and Saturday mornings have been successful in moving forward with scripts and stories.

I really want to enter one particular sitcom pilot into Scriptapalooza or Fox Comedy contest, and I feel I did a great rewrite after some great feedback from Romel Blossom (thanks so much!)but the question lingers... is it ready? Should I register work first? I have read so many different script writing formats I actually feel pretty solid on that end now. But will the jokes be understood? Will the characters be unique with their own voices? I have put in a request for Beta-Readers on Writers Digest Community and also sent it off to some friends, but no feedback yet. And time is passing.