Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Index Cards and breaking it down

I had a good time at Write-Night last night. It started with digging up an old script idea and doing a half-ass outline, but then I used index cards! There is a book called Script in 21 Days (or something like that) and one of the exercises had you use 9 index cards and gave you very specific instructions. So card one was the opening image/scene, card 2 was page 3 and by then you have your basic story question - who wants what? Card 3was by page 10 define the basic premise of the story. Card 4 puts you on page 30 and card 5 page 45 (character growth) and so on. By doing this exercise my half ass outline had developed into something more plausible and actually something I could work with! It helps that I have a great write-night partner.

Now if only I could use index cards to break down everything else in my life. Card 1 - where am I now - card 2 where do I want to be... ok, maybe life isn't that simple. Besides I spent a lot of time thinking last night (after write-night -and this morning) about what I want, really want, and I already know the answers. I think some of it is just basic, what we all want out of life, to be happy and content. I find happiness with my family and with my hobbies. I lack contentness because there is still that missing piece. I have put a lot out to faith lately and I keep talking about trusting faith and I walk the roads that lead around and around.

I want them to lead to something more but all I can do, all I can ever do, is be me. I am fortunate to have my family, friends, health, and so much more. I am mostly optimistic and I have a good heart, good intentions, and would love to one day share my journey with someone special. Until then I can at least use the index cards to plan out my make-believe stories. Real life in some ways take more effort and in some ways take less - and that's just the way it is.


Regina said...

Indexing and breaking it down is a great concept if only I could master it. I enjoy reading your blog.

Writer256 said...

Indexing may be easier than you think. But you first need to be honest with yourself - do you know the characters in your story and do you know how your story is going to end. Without this indexing kind of just seems...well empty. Indexing is kind of like a relay marathon race to me. The index card is just the next person to hand off to...to keep the energy flowing - its keeps you on task and prevents you from drifting too far of your storyline.

ElbieNy25 said...

For Me I use a legal pad to take notes. Each character has their own page, a page for editing ideas, a page for general events that will happen within the novel. And I usually take my notebook with me because I never know when something will pop into my head.