Saturday, February 27, 2010

Looking within myself & having faith

At the last write-night I watched chapter 2 of Syd Field's workshop but have yet to complete the assignments. I did polish up my resume and sent it out and got an interview which I am so excited about! It's not until March 8th which gives me time to prepare and learn about the college. I've been at my current job for over 14 years so this is huge but I do think I need a change. A change will lead to renewed energy and for many reasons it feels like the right time.

I am doing pretty good about working out and even got around to playing with my Wii Fit again. It feels like a lot of things are starting to fall into place and even though there are plenty of things in my life causing stress, I feel optimistic.

So for writing, aside from my resume, I didn't really meet any goals this week. It doesn't make sense when it's what I want to do most in life. The whole the thing about writing is what makes a writer - so true. So what is with the self-sabotage? I blame the lack of time, the frustrations of work and family... I blame myself. I know if I just do it, it will happen. It's not like I don't self-indulge with my time either.

Often when I'm called on something I go blank. Don't ask me who sings this or what the name of that person was - if put on the spot, I go blank. Sometimes it feels like that with writing. A personal demon I have to conquer and really how do you conquer demons without faith? So I call out to the universe and I am going to let go some and do my best to have some faith.

Time to look within myself and trust outside myself. Time to believe, really believe.

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