Saturday, February 27, 2010

Looking within myself & having faith

At the last write-night I watched chapter 2 of Syd Field's workshop but have yet to complete the assignments. I did polish up my resume and sent it out and got an interview which I am so excited about! It's not until March 8th which gives me time to prepare and learn about the college. I've been at my current job for over 14 years so this is huge but I do think I need a change. A change will lead to renewed energy and for many reasons it feels like the right time.

I am doing pretty good about working out and even got around to playing with my Wii Fit again. It feels like a lot of things are starting to fall into place and even though there are plenty of things in my life causing stress, I feel optimistic.

So for writing, aside from my resume, I didn't really meet any goals this week. It doesn't make sense when it's what I want to do most in life. The whole the thing about writing is what makes a writer - so true. So what is with the self-sabotage? I blame the lack of time, the frustrations of work and family... I blame myself. I know if I just do it, it will happen. It's not like I don't self-indulge with my time either.

Often when I'm called on something I go blank. Don't ask me who sings this or what the name of that person was - if put on the spot, I go blank. Sometimes it feels like that with writing. A personal demon I have to conquer and really how do you conquer demons without faith? So I call out to the universe and I am going to let go some and do my best to have some faith.

Time to look within myself and trust outside myself. Time to believe, really believe.

Friday, February 19, 2010

On writing...and flirting with the Wii

Back to working on my sitcom! During write-night I watched chapter 1 of Syd Field's Screenwriters Workshop on DVD. Then yesterday I spent a couple hours completing the exercise which was basically to write up a four page treatment but with very specific subheadings which helped to break it down. His DVD is focused on a script though and not television but the same principles in regards to beginning, middle, end and plot points. It actually only took me two pages, fair since it is a half hour sitcom. It's also a sloppy copy -which he said be willing to write a horrible treatment and not show anyone - and it is horrible! Although I would say that it helped me to analyze the sitcom and see a few most-needed changes.

I do think it will be episode one I will submit by May to the Writer's Digest competition, so will use this DVD to help with that. I will continue to write episode 2 & 3, which 2 is started and I know the events for it, just have to finish.

Today I head to the library shortly with Tia and her friend. While they look for the next vampire series (since they are caught up on twilight) I will work out some thoughts on another script I have -family/romantic comedy. Or maybe I will just try to get more of episode 2 in - decisions, decisions.

Oh on the toning, not bad at all. Been doing crunches and hand weights and every now and then I look at the Wii and think of the Wii fitness which has been neglected for almost a year now. It looks back and me and I swear it winks! I brush my foot over the fitness board and think how I can totally skip the part where it shows me my Wii fit age and go right for the steps or skiing. It does feel good when my little avatar jumps up and spins around all excited with my score. And it would justify the chunk of change I handed over to purchase it! :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

writing, submitting, and toning!

One of my specific new year's resolutions is to actually submit stuff I write -something I really haven't ever done (minus a poem when I was a young teen). Well on Feb 10th - the deadline - I did submit my short story prompt for Writer's Digest Your Story contest! I am very excited about this. I almost missed the deadline because though I knew it was the 10th, someone had mentioned the 10th was Friday and I was thinking I still had a couple days. Luckily it clicked last night (at 9:00 pm) and with the help of my writing partner, I did my final edits and submitted and he did as well - think mine was entered at 10:00 & his at 11:00 and I was so stoked :)

On write night I didn't get much writing in but I did start my one page synopsis for my sitcom that I plan on entering into a contest or two as well. Most of the time during night write was spent flipping through books finding info on formulating a good synopsis.

I would say despite a lot of stress this past week and so much going on in my personal life, that I had a good week in terms of writing - albeit the same story I talked about last week and perhaps something someone else could have done in just a night or two and moved on, but I am very satisfied. Even as the story was pasted on the entry form I found myself making changes and I can accept that every time I look at something I write, I will be apt to make changes. Just can't let that slow me down.

Aside from writing and dealing with a lot in my personal life, I would like to step it up a notch in physical activities. I am linking this to writing in that I believe it will energize me and increase those feel-good endorphins and bring out more creativity. And I can use some good toning :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"poof" and another week has gone by!

During write night on Monday we decided we would challenge ourselves with the Writer's Digest monthly prompt. This month's was "Parents look on in horror as a magician's trick goes horribly awry during a child's birthday party." So I took the challenge, any story based on that prompt, 750 words or less. By the time write night was done we both had our first draft completed - and we were both way over word count. I believe I was just over 1,000. I had some time this evening though to work on it, and now at 740 words! Still needs a little polishing but it will be ready to submit by the February 10th deadline.

Nick mentioned that we don't actually have to submit them, just keep it a personal challenge, but I love the idea of sending it in. I think this is because it will really be the first time I've ever submitted anything (besides some poem so long ago). I mean it's just a silly little contest but I feel a sense of accomplishment, like for the first time I am following through. If I can do this with a story idea that I have no interest in, then I can do this for the many stories in my head that I love. They are of course a lot longer and more involved but I will get there. I think one of my biggest hang-ups is that I try to perfect the story as I go instead of just writing it. Nick does a great job at that, keep it going, fix it after. I'm getting there :)

Maybe after I get it polished I will go ahead and post it here.

Abracadabra! and this week's blog is posted!